聊斋志异之湘裙 - 中英文对照翻译

更新时间:2024-05-09 09:50:52   人气:10039


英文译本将这份东方特有的细腻感情及深沉的文化底蕴进行了忠实而生动地再现:“In the tale of 'Xiang Skirt' from Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio, an enchanting narrative unfolds around the encounter and profound love between a scholarly young man and a maiden named Cui Sleeve. The story is woven together by an exquisite skirt made of bamboo leaves that symbolizes their unyielding affection amidst trials and tribulations as severe as life and death itself. This captivating episode delves into the depths of human kindness while immersively portraying traditional Chinese sentiments; despite insurmountable obstacles fate has set upon them, the steadfastness of their bond mirrors the enduring strength found in the Xiang skirt."
